Sunday, November 6, 2011


We have been lucky enough to be supported by ASN on Oxford St, Darlinghurst, in the Make Me Hot competition.

I went in to see Todd, Sean and the guys at ASN about 2 weeks back to work out a supplement plan for Greg, Andre and Ashley. With such different goals, there's a wide range of things they could be taking to help them get the best advantage they can have.

The ASN guys were extremely helpful (and massive! They obviously practice what they preach!) and provided us with the following stacks for our boys. So far the results have been quite impressive, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they have in store as we continue.

Lean Up – Greg Keith.
Starting Stats - Age: 39
Weight: 85.4 kg
Height: 174cm
Waist: 100cm
Cardio on all days of the week, for at least 30 min each day. This can include in the gym, treadmill, rowing and cycling; plus out of the gym, walking, running, sailing (his passion).
Weights – 3-4 days a week. Split program  - lower body and core / upper body and stabilisers.
Supplements – Evolve Lipo Whey, 2-3 scoops/day ; Acetyl-L-carnitine capsules, 2g/day ; MuscleWerks D-Fine8 weight management supplement – 1-2 servings per day

Shape Up - Ashley Curry
Starting Stats – Age: 25
Weight: 78kg
Height: 180 cm
Waist: 84cm
His program:
Cardio most days of the week, at least 30 min including at least one x 60 min bootcamp per week. Ash has started riding his bike everywhere, for at least 40 min a day, so that helps a lot.
Weights – 4 days a week, starting with a lower body and abs workout plus an upper body workout to develop general strength over the first 4 weeks.
Supplements – Evolve 3-whey protein powder, 2-3 scoops per day ; Nutrabolics HemoTest to boost testosterone and energy levels (2 x 2 tabs /day)

Bulk Up – Andre Olves
Starting Stats – Age: 20
Weight: 71kg
Height: 180 cm
Waist: 78cm
His program:
Dedicated cardio at least every 3-4 days, moderate intensity, to maintain fitness. Andre walks most places and works in hospitality so that serves as regular activity enough for his needs.
Weights – 4-5 days a week, full hypertrophy program for both lower body & arms one day, and chest/back/shoulders a second day, for the first 4 weeks.
Supplements – Evolve Incredible Bulk mass gain powder, 2-3 scoops per day ; Nutrabolics HemoTest to boost testosterone and energy levels (2 x 2 tabs /day) ; EST Crank2 pre-workout formula – to boost workout intensity, improve muscle volume and energy levels.

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