Sunday, January 15, 2012

Final week!

And as this grey and rainy Monday morning dawns we're into the last stretch before the final weigh-in and photos...

How exciting! Well for me at least. Scary as hell for Greg, Ash and Andre.

I can see the vague panic in their eyes as they count down the total number of workouts and meals before the big day.

So what can one actually do in so short a period of time to be at your aesthetic best?

The answer is, of course, to do what these guys have been doing for the last 12 weeks - consistent, solid, progressive workouts; great supplementation and great eating. This was never going to be a 5-day rather than 12-week challenge for that very reason - there's not a whole lot you can do last minute to be ready if you haven't done the hard yards.

That being said, there are some slight adjustments to be made in the final days before a photo (or event):

  1. Cut out all salt (sodium), sugar, white flour and alcohol. We're talking a diet high in vegetables, salads, lean meats, whole grains and good fats. Almost no processed foods.
  2. Cut out any foods to which you're intolerant. These are the foods your body can still digest, but tend to irritate something in the digestive tract, or annoy the immune system. For Greg, this is dairy. Intolerance is not in itself dangerous, but you do feel better, cut bloating and look a lot better when you avoid foods you're intolerant to.
  3. Drink loads of pure, filtered water. The stuff with almost no salts or minerals in it. I've recommended the boys drink Noble's Pureau water by the litre, 2-3 L each day, to help stabilise body water levels.
  4. Drop the carbs up until the final day or two and depleting muscle glycogen. This can help reduce bloating, reduce excess fluids in the body and burn through some fat stores. Carbs are then re-introduced in the day before, so that the effect is a rebound swelling of the muscles when glycogen levels get fully replenished, drawing a lot more water into the muscle cell.
  5. Use herbal mixes that stimulate liver, kidneys and the digestive tract. You want to have perfect digestion for these days so that nothing lingers in your intestines or causes potential bloat. Likewise, sipping dandelion and nettle teas can help tonify and stimulate the kidneys, leading to more effective body water control. 

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